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Every big project is done one step at a time. Slowly and steadily you can dig at new concepts, learn and so can build any complex application


In this blog post, we’ll explore the development of a Reminder App using a modern tech stack, including various AWS services for the backend and React for the frontend. This application provides a seamless authentication flow and a robust reminder management system.

Tech Stack

The application uses serverless architecture. The front is a modern SPA (Single Page Application) written in React, and the backend consists of AWS services like Cognito, Lambda, API Gateway.


  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, React allows developers to create reusable UI components that can update efficiently when the data changes.
  • JavaScript: The programming language used for implementing the app’s logic and interactions.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework used for styling the app, providing a customizable and responsive design.

Backend (AWS)

  • Cognito User Pools: AWS Cognito provides user authentication and authorization for the app. User Pools allow you to manage user sign-up and sign-in processes.
  • API Gateway: AWS API Gateway is used to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs. It acts as a front door for the app’s backend services.
  • IAM (Identity and Access Management): IAM is used to securely control access to AWS services and resources for the app’s users and services.
  • Lambda Functions: AWS Lambda is used for executing serverless functions that respond to events triggered by the app, such as setting reminders and sending emails.
  • Simple Notification Service (SNS): SNS is used for sending notifications to users’ email addresses when reminders are due.
  • Step Functions: AWS Step Functions coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows, allowing for the orchestration of reminder creation and management processes.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Serverless Framework: The Serverless Framework is used for defining and deploying AWS infrastructure as code, enabling the app’s infrastructure to be managed and deployed easily.


  • GitHub Pages: The app is deployed using GitHub Pages, providing a simple and free hosting solution for static websites.

How it Works

Authentication Flow with Cognito

  • When a user signs up for the app, their information is stored securely in a user pool managed by AWS Cognito.
  • Upon successful sign-in, the app receives an authentication token that is used to authenticate subsequent API requests.

Reminder Creation and Management

  • Users can set reminders through the app’s user interface, specifying the delay after which reminders are sent to their email.
  • Lambda functions are triggered to create reminders and schedule them on Step functions for delivery using SNS.
  • Users can view a list of active reminders and have completed reminders automatically deleted. They can also manually abort reminders.

Deployment with Serverless Framework and GitHub Pages

  • The app’s infrastructure is defined using the Serverless Framework, which allows for easy deployment and management of AWS resources.
  • GitHub Pages is used to host the frontend of the app, providing a simple and cost-effective hosting solution.

How to Run the App

To run the application, clone the repository and execute the following commands:

# Deploy infrastructure
npm init -y
sls deploy

# Run locally
cd ./frontend/reminder-all
npm run dev


The Reminder App demonstrates the power and flexibility of modern tech stacks, leveraging AWS services and React to create a robust and user-friendly application. By understanding the underlying technologies and their interactions, developers can build similar applications with ease.

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